Monday, January 30, 2012

The RPZ - The Vault - Traps-N-Trunks

The RPZ - The Vault - Traps-N-Trunks

The Vault is a collection of songs we recorded between 2006 and 2011. For a number of the songs, session files were lost due to hard drive failures and computer crashes (an issue which has been resolved by consistent backups!). Rerecord 'em? Good idea, aside from the fact that music, like every other art form, is based off of feeling. True artists of any art form understand it is close to impossible to recreate the exact emotion of a particular moment in time (Especially with the selection 'Jus Imagine'). As a result, instead of bringing the pieces up-to-date, we decided to put them together in a collection series we call 'The Vault'. It serves as the missing frame in the journey of The RPZ, as well as the prelude to our next collective full length project, The Panic Room V4G. No release date has been set. We believe in making sure the work is of A1 quality. So trust, any new music from the group who is aimed at 'replacing' will show growth and maturity. That's referring to our ideas, topics, and actual music. 

To those who genuinely support us, we would like to thank you. We will see you in the future. "What are they gonna do, REPLACE US???"

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"FYL" produced by Tec Beatz

The RPZ “FYL” - The new joint from The Panic Room V.4G (PRV4G) - After hearing a “new” song floating round with a “similar” track yesterday, we decided to let ours ride through the highways of the web too. F.*** Y.a L.ife…We’re connected 4evaaaa…Best Frienemies for LIFE!

Traps N Trunks Presents The RPZ: The Vault